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Pregnancy Related Sciatica and How to Deal With It

By Daphne S. Martinez

Sciatica in Pregnancy may be one of the problems you are experiencing during your preparation as a mommy. It aggravates the whole preggy scenario because considering the struggles of being pregnant, plus you get the unlucky sciatica incident, you'll surely wave a white flag in the air by the end of the day.

The miracle of pregnancy also includes a package of struggles to face. Now for you to know what to do when facing this condition, here's a brief orientation about sciatica.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is when the sciatic nerve (located on your back through your lower extremities) experiences a certain compression or irritation. When damage occurs in such nerve, paralysis may be suffered by the person. But that's only the worst case. This kind of pain can be relieved and treated in a matter of weeks.

Pregnancy and Sciatica

You might be thinking, "Is the cruel world ever gonna give me a break?" The answer is Yes, but before going through the details of the question "How?", you should first know what you are experiencing and which specific part of your body holds the pain. You should know the root cause of the sciatica before you will be able to treat it. After which, your medical practitioner can give the proper diagnosis and treatment.

What Causes Sciatica in Pregnant Women?

The villain in pregnancy related sciatica is bad posture. A pregnant woman with bad posturing is putting her pregnancy at risk. The womb and bell grows, thus increasing the weight on those areas which leads to the arching of the back. This is a common practice among pregnant mothers. The pelvic area and joints start to relax in the event of pregnancy which may cause the muscle strength of the lower extremities to loosen. Sciatica then happens.

In some cases, less exercise may be the cause of pregnant women's leg or back pain, but most of the time, posture is the main concern.


The best way to counteract the pain of this condition is through natural techniques. Medications are often unadvised because there are a lot of medicines which are contraindicated during pregnancy for they might affect the development of the fetus inside the mother's womb. What to do now?

First, know where the pain is located.

Upon knowing the origin of the pain, consult your doctor and he will know what you should do to lessen the pain you are experiencing. For example, your bad posture is causing the sciatica pain. Then the doctor would most likely promote good alignment and posture all throughout your pregnancy, for you to prevent the stressful condition.

Don't engage into strenuous activity that may strain your back and lower extremities, like briskly walking, running, jumping or carrying heavy things.

Proper posture in sleep can be achieved through lying on the side with a little bending of your knees. Use pillows to support the areas between your legs. Don't always rely on your back to carry the weight, and utilize your center of gravity and legs to support the weight of your body.

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